Common IELTS Writing & Speaking Topics

These are the most common IELTS writing task 2 and speaking topics, so it’s a good idea to make sure you are happy writing and speaking about these topics.

These topics are seen, again and again, in both the IELTS speaking and writing tests. If you make sure you are ready for the test, it can make things much easier for you. Knowing the correct vocabulary can help you to do better.

As well as learning what each word means, make sure you practice using the word in sentences. That way you will feel comfortable using it in speaking and writing.

  • Education
  • Technology
  • Environment
  • Work
  • Culture
  • Crime
  • Health
  • Family


You may be asked to talk about the pros and cons of schools. To discuss the benefits of university education rather than practical experience, or even whether home being home-schooled is a good or bad thing.

Words to include when talking or writing about education:

Tuition (n) – The act of learning or a fee for learning something.

Graduate (n) – Someone who has obtained a university degree.

Graduate (v) – The act of getting a university degree

Literacy (n) – Being able to read and write.

Higher education/Further education (n) – University-level learning.

Lecture (n) – A lesson in university.

Kindergarten (n) – Pre-school or nursery/play-school.

Qualification (n) – Record of completing a particular course.

Educational (adj) – About education.


Gadget (n) – Electronic device or tool.

Device (n) – Piece of mechanical or electronic technology.

Now that you know the most common topics for IELTS speaking and writing, you should feel more confident going into your IELTS test

For more details about IELTS speaking click here

Make sure you know about each type of IELTS writing question by clicking here.