Common IELTS Speaking Questions

These are the most common 5 topics on the IELT speaking test, they come up time and again. You are almost guaranteed to have to answer questions about one of these areas in the test. The questions on your test may not be identical to the ones below but they will probably be very similar.

Make sure to practice answering these questions and also have a look at the model answers to get some ideas about the vocabulary that you could use in your answer.


This topic is asked very regularly on the speaking test. Usually, the examiner will ask you if you work or study, so practice answering questions about your job or types of work.

Part 1 **Very common part 1 topic**

  • What is your job?
  • Where do you work?
  • Do you like your job? (opinion)
  • Why did you choose that job? (reason)
  • Is it a popular job in your country?
  • What was your first day?
  • What responsibilities do you have at work?
  • What is the most exciting thing about your work?
  • Do you get on well with your colleagues? (opinion)
  • Do you prefer to work in the morning or evening?
  • What are the ways that you can improve your skills at work?
  • Has your job changed a lot in the past years?
  • If you had the chance, would you change your job?
  • Do you plan to continue with your job in the future?

Where you live

This topic is asked very often in the speaking test. These questions are asking about the area where you live. This topic mainly asks about your neighbourhood (the area where you live), you can talk about facilities and transportation and also what it is like.

Part 1 **Very common part 1 topic**

  • Where are you living now?
  • What do you like most about where you live?
  • What is the neighborhood like where you live?
  • Do you have any friends there?
  • What can be improved in the area where you live?
  • Do you know any famous people in the area where you live?
  • Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?


This is an incredibly common topic and it asks about where you grew up (lived when you were a child). Possible you have lived in many places, if this is the case, then just choose a place you would like to talk about. Alternatively, you could choose the place that feels the most like home. Possibly your hometown may be the place where you currently live or have always lived. A hometown can be a city, town or village, it is just where you are from.

Part 1

  • Where is your hometown?
  • Do you like your hometown? Why?
  • How long have you been living in your hometown?
  • Do you believe it is a proper place to grow up? Why
  • How could your hometown be improved?
  • Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
  • Is there good public transportation in your hometown?
  • Will you be moving away from your hometown?


This topic comes up time and again. If you are a student then prepare to talk about your school, university and your studies. These are some of the most common questions on the IELTS speaking test so make sure you practice answering them.

 Part 1 **Very common part 1 topic**

  • What subjects are you studying?
  • Why did you decide to study those subjects?
  • Do you like your subject?
  • Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons?
  • Do you miss being a student?
  • Is it exciting?
  • Are you looking forward to working?
  • Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
  • Do you like your job?
  • Is it exciting?


Accommodation and where you live is a very common topic in part 1 of the speaking test. Many of these questions are asking about your house or flat and not the neighbourhood or area.

  • Do you live in a house or a flat?
  • Why do you live in an apartment/house?
  • How long have you lived there?
  • Do you like your apartment/house?
  • What do you like the most about it?
  • What is your favorite room? Why?
  • Can you describe the view from your windows?
  • Do you plan to live there in the future?
  • What kind of accommodation do you wish to have in the future?
  • Can you tell me about the house you lived in when you were a child?
  • Do you use a car to move around?
  • How do you usually travel from one place to another?