IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions

This page will look at part 1 of the IELTS speaking test. I will talk about the common types of questions that will be asked. We may not be able to predict the topic of the questions but we can be pretty sure of the types of questions that the examiner will ask.

If you are aware of what questions the IELTS examiner will ask and have practised answering, you should be much less nervous on test day.

For the most common part 1 topics, follow this link.

IELTS speaking part 1 is called ‘introduction and interview.’ But, don’t be fooled, by the title. Some of my students have told me that part 1 doesn’t matter because it is just a warm-up. This is not a warm-up; you are assessed from the moment the test begins.

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The questions in part 1 of the speaking test are mainly about you. Most of the questions that they ask will be about you, what you do, what you like or what you think.

So lets look at the types of questions that often come up in part 1.

Do you Verb

Do you run?

Do you play a musical instrument?

Are you good at Noun?

Are you good at swimming?

Are you good at painting?

Did you Verb as a child?

Did you learn to swim as a child?

Did you visit museums as a Child?

Do you prefer A or B?

Do you prefer texting or speaking on the phone?

Do you prefer writing with pens or pencils?

How long have you?

How long have you worked there?

How long have you played an instrument?

Is Noun/Verb-ing popular in your country?

Is reading popular in your country?

Is sport popular in your country?

Do you think Noun is important?

Do you think exercise is important?

Do you think cars are important?

Do you like Noun/Verb-ing?

Do you like your job?

Do you like to shop?

How often do you Verb?

How often do you read?

How often do you go shopping?

As you can see, these part 1 questions are all about youand are pretty easy to answer. So there is no need to feel anxious or nervous. But, be sure to practice answering each type of question and try to use new vocabulary that will impress the examiner.

For the latest IELTS speaking part 1 questions follow this link.

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