IELTS Speaking IELTS Speaking Part 2 Model Answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Someone Who Likes To Grow Plants (Gardening)

This post talks about an IELTS speaking part 2 question and model answer about someone who likes to grow plants. This is a difficult question but you will see that I can answer it quite easily using the PPF method.

If you don’t know what the PPF method is, follow the link and make answering IELTS speaking part 2 questions about people or things much easier.

This is a question that my students have been finding very difficult to answer:

Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g., vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.)

You should say:
who this person is
what he/she grows
where he/she grows them
and explain why he/she enjoys growing plants.

To see how I answered this difficult question about someone who likes to grow things.

The following is my model answer with the vocabulary explained at the end.

I’ve decided to talk about my mum. She is an avid gardener and is incredibly keen on gardening and cultivating all kinds of plants. Although her garden is relatively small, it has a huge assortment of gorgeous flowers, herbs and vegetables. She seems to be very gifted at looking after plants and you could even say that she has green fingers. Her garden is a beautiful little sanctuary with sunny places and shady spots that are perfect for an English summers day.

She has always been fairly into gardening but I think her passion really took off when she retired 8 years ago. I guess she had more time on her hands after she became a pensioner.

I really hope that she is able to garden for many years to come and will enjoy the fruits of her labors in the future.

I’ve decided to talk about (present perfect)

Avid (adj) – Having a keen interest
Keen on (pv) – Likes a lot
Cultivating (v) – Growing a plant
Assortment (n) – Collection of many things
Gifted (adj) – Good at doing something
Look after (pv) – Care for
Green fingers (idiom) – Great at gardening
Took off (idiom) – Started
Pensioner (n) – Someone who gets paid a pension
Fruits of (her) labors (idiom) – Outcome of hard work

Maybe you should try and make an answer to this question using some of the phrases and vocabulary from my answer.

Did you spot the idiom that I used about time? Tell me in the comments below. What does this mean?

Thanks for reading and good luck with your IELTS test. Make sure to check out simple IELTS solutions for more helpful tips to help you to prepare for your test.

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