IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model Answer

IELTS Speaking Question & Model Answer – Friends

This post looks at an IELTS speaking part 3 question about friends and friendship. This is an opinion question. The answer that I give below has a huge amount of phrasal verbs and idioms, which could be very useful when talking about friends, friendships or relationships.

The question that I will be answering is as follows:

Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?

The model answer

Well, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it certainly makes it easier to get on with someone. If you are both mad about football and are into the same team, you will probably get along very well and become great friends.

That said, it is certainly possible to have a friendship and relationship with someone who is keen on different hobbies to you. For example, my friend Jonny is football mad but I couldn’t care less about who wins the soccer.

The vocabulary from the answer

If I were to hazard a guess (idiot) – If I were to guess

Get on/along (pv) – Have a friendly relationship 

Mad about…… (idiom) – Like something very much

Into (pv) – Interested in

That said (phrase) – However (stating the other point of view)

Keen on (pv) – Like something a lot

……… mad (idiom) – Dad about/crazy about 

Next time you are answering an IELTS question or relationships, make sure to use some of the phrasal verbs or idioms to make sure that you impress the examiner.

For another IELTS speaking part 2 answer about toys, follow this link.

For more information about the IELTS speaking test, click here.

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