IELTS Speaking Part 1 Model Answer

New IELTS Speaking Questions Topic: Computers

These are some of the latest IELTS speaking part 1 questions. The topic of computers comes up time and again. The following are some model answers that I have made for these questions but make sure to try answering these questions yourself. The topic of computers also seems to come up a lot in writing so by having some answers and vocabulary you will kill two birds with one stone (Solve 2 problems at once).

If you want to see how I answer these questions, click the video above.

When was the first time you used a computer?

The first desktop PC that my family got was an Acorn Archimedes computer.  It wasn’t very powerful and the graphics and sounds were terrible, but we are talking more than 30 years ago now.


Desktop PC  (n) – Personal computer

Graphics (n) – Display on the screen

Terrible (adj) – Very bad

We are talking…(collocation) – Introducing an idea

In what condition would you use a computer?

Computers are used in almost all aspects of our lives these days, from ATM’s to give us money, to having video conferences at work. I think you would have to try pretty hard to get away from computer technology in our society.


Aspect (n) – Particular part

These days (Collocation) – At this time

ATM (n) – Auto teller machine (Cash point)

Video conference (n) – Communicating over video

Computer technology (n) – Computer related things

Society (n) – People living together in a country

What will your life be like without computers?

Unfortunately, I’m old enough that I can actually recall a time before the advent of computers unlike many of the younger generation.  I think life would be much slower paced without them because we would have to rely on the post or snail main rather than email.


Recall (v) – Remember

Advent (n) – Beginning/Start

Generation (n) – People of similar age group

Snail Mail (idiom) – Postal service

In what condition would you not use a computer?

I think it would be frowned upon or probably prohibited to use a computer in a formal academic exam. If you were there taking a test in the examination hall, I’m sure the invigilators would not be keen on you firing up your laptop to look up the answers.


If you were taking… (Conditional)


Frowned upon (idiom) – Disapproved of

Prohibited (adj) – Forbidden/Not allowed

Exam (n) – Test

Invigilators (pl-n) – People who supervise the exam

Keen on (pv) – Like a lot

Firing up (pv) – Starting/Turning on

Those were my model answers, how did you get on? I hope you found this post useful. Good luck with your study and good luck with the IELTS test!

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