Recent General Task 1 Questions

These are some recent IELTS Academic and General Task 2 essay questions. The questions are from many sources including past test takers and public sources. We try to keep this list as up-to-date as possible.

Please use these questions to practice writing your IELTS writing task 1 essays. If you would like feedback from me regarding your essay please follow this link.

It is important that you get feedback on your IELTS writing to help you improve and to make your answers as good as possible for when you take the IELTS test.

General IELTS Task 1 Questions

You visit a cafe every day. Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant.

In your letter

  • say what you like about the cafe
  • suggest an improvement to the cafe
  • explain the benefits of your suggestion.

Task 1

You recently discovered plans to build a new airport in your area and are unhappy with it. Write a letter to the local authority.

In your letter

  • say how you found out about the plans
  • explain what problems your neighborhood will face
  • suggest some possible solutions to those problems.

Task 1

You have recently read a book about a city you know well and found some incorrect information. Write a letter to the author.

In your letter

  • tell him/her of the incorrect information
  • give him/her the correct information
  • explain why they should correct it.

Task 1

You recently read an article in the local newspaper about your city and found some of the facts incorrect. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper.

In your letter

  • say what article you are writing about
  • explain which facts were incorrect
  • suggest how to correct them.

Task 1

You had to cancel a meeting with a friend. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter

  • apologize for cancelling the meeting
  • explain why you couldn’t be there
  • suggest an alternative day when you could meet.

Task 1

You and a friend recently went on a holiday together. There is a problem with the photos you have taken during the holiday. Write a letter to your friend to ask for a particular shot.

In your letter

  • tell him/her about the problem with your photos
  • say which photo you would like him/her to send you
  • explain why you need this photo.

Task 1

Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train.

In your letter

  • give the details of your train trip
  • describe the luggage you left on the train
  • say what actions you want him/her to take.

Task 1

You would like to invite your friend from abroad to a public event in your country. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter

  • describe the public event
  • explain why you think he/she would like the event
  • tell him/her about the other activities you can do.

Task 1

You’ve been asked to do a presentation and will need help setting up the equipment for it. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter

  • let him/her know when and where the presentation will take place
  • tell him/her what equipment you will need
  • explain how he/she can help you.

The most recent Academic and General Training Task 2 essay questions can be found here.

Task 1

Your company has sent you on a three-month course in another country. The course is coming to an end, but you would like to prolong your stay. Write a letter to your manager.

In your letter

  • describe how the course benefited you
  • explain why you would like to delay your return
  • suggest a date when you would like to come back.

Task 1

A neighbor has damaged your car while parking his/her vehicle in the lane in front of your house. Write a letter to your neighbor.

In your letter

  • explain why you are writing
  • describe the damage to your car and express your feelings about it
  • recommend what steps he/she should take to resolve the situation.

Task 1

You have an upcoming meeting with your manager to discuss your performance in the past year. Write a letter to the manager.

In your letter

  • describe your achievements in the past year
  • say what areas/skills you need to improve on
  • suggest a plan to improve those skills/areas.

Task 1

You live near a public school. The school has asked residents to help with the maintenance of school buildings and play areas. Write a letter to the principal.

In your letter

  • explain why you would like to help
  • tell them how you can help
  • let them know when you are available.

 Task 1

You have invited a friend to visit you next month. Unfortunately, you are not able to meet him/her. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter

  • describe the problem that you had
  • explain how the receptionist helped you
  • suggest ways to prevent the problem from happening again.

 Task 1

You had a problem while staying at a hotel, and the receptionist was very helpful. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel.

In your letter

  • describe the problem that you had
  • explain how the receptionist helped you
  • suggest ways to prevent the problem from happening again.

Task 1

You recently saw an advertisement in a newspaper seeking volunteers to do unpaid work for local children. You are interested in this work. Write a letter to the head of the organization.

In your letter

  • express your interest
  • ask for details of the work that needs to be done
  • let them know when you are available.

 Task 1

You came to know about a piece of equipment that would help you at your workplace. Write a letter to your manager.

In your letter

  • describe the equipment
  • explain how it might be helpful in your workplace
  • offer help in purchasing it.

Task 1

You are moving home. Please write a letter to your neighbors to say goodbye to them and to thank them for their help during your stay.

In your letter

  • explain how they helped you
  • say what you will miss the most about the area where you lived
  • invite them to visit you at your new home.

Task 1

You use the local swimming pool often, and during one of your visits, you have encountered a problem. Write a letter to the manager.

In your letter

  • describe what the problem was
  • tell what the swimming pool staff have done about it
  • suggest your own solution to the problem.

Task 1

You bought a piece of furniture from a store in another town recently. There is a problem with the item you purchased. Write a letter to the store manager.

In your letter

  • explain the details of your purchase
  • describe the problem that you have with it
  • suggest what can be done about it

 Task 1

The apartment that you have rented was repaired recently. Later you discovered some defects in repairs. Write a letter to your landlord.

In your letter

  • explain what the problem is
  • suggest how it can be fixed
  • say what you would like the landlord to do about it.

You are renting a house in an English-speaking country, and the landlord has been helpful during your stay. Now your friend is interested in renting your place. Please write a letter to your landlord to inform your friend that you will be moving out.

In your letter

  • tell your landlord that you are leaving and explain why
  • thank your landlord for being helpful
  • recommend your friend as a prospective tenant.

The most recent Academic and General Training Task 2 essay questions can be found here.

Please use these questions to practice writing your IELTS writing task 1 essays. If you would like feedback from me regarding your essay please follow this link.